Windows Client Release Notes

If the download does not start automatically you can click here to download v3.0.2.

Download and double click to install. You can run it either by waiting for your screensaver to come on, or double clicking on the desktop icon, then clicking the "Run" button.

System Requirements: Windows XP or better.  The screensaver may require the latest graphics drivers to run properly.  If it doesn't run after installation, check your computer manufacturer's website. If it crashes instantly even with the latest drivers, then try setting the monitor number to 1, 2, or 3. And if that doesn't work, then turn on Direct Draw mode in the advanced settings. If you have this kind of problem and want to beta test a fix, please email us (click help for the address) and put "privbeta" in the subject. Thanks!

If you have trouble, see the help page.

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